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SBS Research


Because Knowledge is Power
Why research consulting?
 Like every other skill, research takes time and training to do well. Using the services of an experienced research coach, you can improve your organization’s effectiveness and public image while gathering necessary information and presenting high-quality reports.

Large organizations hire national firms to provide services such as client needs assessment or program evaluation.Why go to the trouble of hiring a national firm, when you have a world-class expert research coach available right where you are?

Planning Research

You need information but don’t know where to find it 

 Coaching sessions to determine your information needs, helping you discover various pathways to get to the information you need

Designing Research
You know where to find information, but do not know how to get it

Collaboration with your organization to design the optimal strategies for collecting informati

Conducting Research

You have some questions you want to ask your clients, customers, or other stakeholders, but do not know where to begin

Coaching your organization through gathering the needed information  And/or conducting the research your organization needs, helping you obtain the necessary information in an accurate, cost effective, and timely manner

Analyzing Research

You have some information (analytics or verbal feedback), but do not know what the information is really telling you

Thorough qualitative and quantitative analysis, emphasizing accurate, comprehensible results  

Reporting Research
You have information you  need to share with clients, board members, or other stakeholders, but do not have time or experience to write or make professional presentations

Report writing, presentation preparation, executive summary style or detailed reports

SBS Research Consulting can assist you with:
  • Employee surveys 
  • Customer satisfaction surveys 
  • Needs assessments 
  • Program evaluation  
  • Data analysis 
and more!
About SBS Research
Sarah Busse Spencer, PhD., has degrees from Harvard University and the University of Chicago. She has over two decades of experience conducting research projects, and over fifteen years experience coaching professionals and students in conducting research
Contact Us
(605) 202-9066
Sioux Falls, SD